Wednesday, October 24, 2012

38 Weeks

38 weeks...and still no Baby! That's OK, he/she is just finishing the growing process - but it's so hard to wait!! As of this week, Baby is 6 1/2-7lbs and is about 19-20inches long (or the length of the leek pictured above). Also as of this week, every single organ system is completely developed (or should be) and is ready to function outside of the uterus...what are you waiting on, Baby?! This is very exciting news!!! Baby also has developed the ability to make a tight grasp by now - can't wait to hold those sweet little hands :) Basically, everything is a go - we're just waiting on my body, Baby, and God to decide it's time!

I had my 37 week appointment last Friday and there was no change in my cervical dilation or effacement, and Baby's head remained nice and low. The only "glitch" was that my BP (blood pressure) was slightly elevated and they wanted me to keep any eye on it; because of this they moved my 38 week appointment up to Tuesday (yesterday) instead of Friday. We were disappointed that nothing had changed since we had such awesome news at our last appointment (and because I'd had a night of approximately 60 contractions that seemed to do absolutely nothing...awesome! NOT). But, only time will tell and Baby will come out when he/she is ready.
Come out!! It's a great BIG world out here; lots of space!'d think I'd be prepared to hear the same old story at yesterday's appointment. But of course not! I had all of my bags completely packed and zipped shut, the house cleaned, convinced I would be coming home in a few days with Baby...nope! No changes, again :( But, my BP is fine - still slightly elevated but not too concerning; they do still want me to keep an eye on it, but they didn't feel the need to draw lab work or keep me overnight for monitoring. So, praise God for that - as much as I want this Baby, I don't want to be induced or be put on bed rest for my BP! I've also had some more intense Braxton-Hicks contractions, so maybe we're headed in the right direction?!

Needless to say, Tyler and I are getting very restless and anxious for our Baby to get here! I'm ashamed to say that I was pouting and had a mini melt-down yesterday when things didn't go my way...ha! And all this time I'd been praying to carry Baby to term, that he/she would be healthy, etc and here I am trying to rush it out! God knows when is best for Baby to come...I need to just trust Him and His timing :) And enjoy the little stretches and rolls I'm still feeling inside :)
So ready to meet our special little someone!
Please continue to pray for my comfort - it's getting pretty uncomfortable carrying a 7lb baby around that is practically always sitting on my tailbone :( Also pray for our patience as we wait on God's timing for Baby; I want to be enjoying the last few weeks, days, minutes? of our time together as a twosome instead of rushing past it onto the next exciting thing :) Lastly, as always, I just ask that you continue to pray for a healthy Baby (and Mommy!) as we near the end and approach delivery. Thanks so much for all of your love, support and prayers - can't wait to show you all a picture of our sweet little son or daughter when they finally arrive!!

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