Monday, October 15, 2012

37 Weeks

37 weeks...officially FULL TERM!!! YAY! This week, Baby weighs in around 6-6.5lbs and measures about 19 inches from head to heel (or the length of the lovely Swiss Chard above). Until today, I have never heard of Swiss Chard - maybe I need to get out more :) Anyways, Baby is fully developed now and is simply practicing for life outside Mommy - breathing, swallowing, crying (yep, they have the cry reflex going on already!), sleeping. Sleep cycles are established, however thankfully they are NOT specific to days/nights yet so the fact that Baby is moving around like crazy at 4am doesn't (necessarily) mean he/she's a night owl. Phew! What a relief that is! Still lots of rolling and stretching going on in there - definitely still enjoying watching my belly move around :) BUT anytime he/she wants to come out, we are more than ready :)
Feeling a little cramped in there? Come on out! The world is HUGE out here ... and we're all waiting for you :)

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! I'm officially 2cm dilated and 80% effaced, plus Baby is in "0" station. What does all of that mean, you ask? Check out the pictures below :) Basically, at my appointment last Friday the midwife checked my cervix and was pleasantly surprised to find just how LOW Baby's head was (oh, so all of that pressure IS valid!). Explained the most recent pain and discomfort I'd been having :) As expected, this got our hopes up that maybe Baby would be here sooner than we were planning; however, no "new" signs of labor and I could be this way for weeks. Boo hoo :( We're still keeping our fingers crossed that Baby gets fed up with his/her tight quarters and decides to come out soon! In any case, even if we HAVE to wait...3 more weeks isn't bad!!

Effacement - the thinning out/stretching upward of the cervix  (allows for proper dilation); Dilation - the opening of the cervix to allow for Baby to come out. Basically, I'm the top right picture (a little less effaced, a little more dilated). Baby's head is resting on the opening of the cervix, just have to wait for the cervix to open fully so Baby can come out. Bottom right picture is what it should look like when it's time to deliver.

Stations - position of Baby's head in the pelvis. Negative numbers - Baby's head is still above pelvic opening and kind of floating around. Zero (0) station - Baby's head is engaged (or locked) in the pelvis and is headed down where it needs to go. Positive numbers - Baby is headed out! So, Baby is at 0 - locked in the pelvis but hasn't started descending down too far yet - don't really want the descent any farther until it's time to deliver, so Baby's in a good spot!
That being said, I'm definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore! Don't get me wrong, I love feeling the Baby move and all, but the discomforts and pains and swelling and constant bathroom trips can cease ANY day now! Because Baby is so low and sitting directly on my cervix (pretty much), it is VERY uncomfortable to walk, sit, or lay in almost any position. Therefore, not sleeping a whole lot anymore and definitely feeling tired and almost ill most of the time...super fun! 3 more weeks, 3 more weeks.... :)

My wonderful friend and co-worker, Jamie, threw me an AWESOME baby shower last Thursday - I can't believe how blessed I am! We now officially have over 700 diapers (easily) and plenty of wipes, along with a completely stocked nursery! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It was such a good feeling to have the love and support of so many friends here; I am so grateful for all of you :)

That's pretty much all of the updates for this week; please pray for our patience as we wait on God (and Baby's) timing for this birth. We are so excited and so ready but we have to keep waiting! Also please continue to pray for comfort (ha!) as this pregnancy draws to a close...I would like to get some sleep every once in a while ;) Lastly, as birth could happen any day now (today? please?!), please be praying for a safe, complication-free delivery with a healthy Baby and mom at the end of it. We have everything all ready; all we're waiting on is the "go ahead" from Baby and (hopefully) my body will do what it needs to :) Thank you for all of your prayers and excitement for the 3 of us, we will (try to) keep you posted as things progress!

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