Tuesday, October 9, 2012

36 Weeks

Yep, we're still melon sized...anyone know what this type of melon is? It's a crenshaw melon - never heard of it before! But, the important thing is that our Baby is about the size of this melon, which is about 6lbs and over 18.5inches long...that's a big baby! Basically at this point in the pregnancy, Baby is shedding the fine hair and protective coating that's been on his/her skin through the pregnncy, and inevitably swallowing it (yummy!), which will be the main components of it's first bowel movement. Bet you're glad you know that - you can now sleep better at night knowing what baby poop (aka meconium) is made of. Moving on! The other main activity: putting on the pounds (literally!) at a rate of about an ounce per day. Which, by the way...WE ONLY HAVE 26 DAYS LEFT!!! Woah! And....by the end of this week, Baby is considered full-term! SO EXCITING!!! We are totally ready if Baby decides to come October 14th or any day after - yay!! Baby continues to be very active but definitely has a favorite position - at least one leg straight out into my side :) Also, Baby is definitely head down; let's just hope he/she stays that way!

As for me, my back pain is definitely getting worse (as can be expected) and my heartburn is a constant daily presence...no fun. Work is definitely starting to take it's toll; let's just hope that I'm able to keep working all the way up to my due date! Also new - I no longer have defined ankles and officially have fatter fingers and plumper lips...the swelling has started! Not to fear, my blood pressure seem to be stable for now and doesn't seem to be causing any concern. I will definitely mention it to the midwife on Friday and make sure everything is OK. As I mentioned last week, my appointment of Friday is a big one - first cervical check and first of the weekly appointments! Definitely a sign we're nearing the end :) Also at this appointment will be my screening for GBS (group beta strep), mentioned in last week's post. Please pray with us that I'm negative and that everything looks good - and maybe even some dilation and effacement (for those of you who don't know what that is - dilation is the opening/expanding of the opening of the cervix, effacement is the thinning out of the opening of the cervix; both of these things need to happen for Baby to be born)!

Not a whole lot to say this week - just maintaining status quo, waiting for Baby to get here! Baby shower is on Thursday (so excited!) and Dr. appointment on Friday - exciting end of the week ahead! Can't wait to fill you all in on how both go :) Have a great week!

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