Thursday, October 4, 2012

35 Weeks

Apparently Baby is still melon-sized, just a different melon this week! I'm now carrying a honeydew melon - which means our dear, sweet Baby is about 5 - 5 1/4 lbs this week, measuring over 18 inches long! I can't believe how big Baby is getting - it's really almost here! At this point, Baby is completely developed and therefore considered to be "term" by some websites. However, according to the March of Dimes and most medical authorities, babies born at 35-36 weeks are considered late pre-term babies and are therefore not considered to be full term until 37 weeks...but we're almost there! The websites say that Baby doesn't have much room to move around so we may not feel him/her moving as much...I don't know what they're talking about! Our baby is SUPER active still - maybe he/she is a tad smaller than they're predicting on these websites and Baby is taking full advantage of whatever room he/she has left :) As long as Baby remains inside, he/she is adding fat to the body and allowing the lungs to continue maturing, making sure Baby is fully prepared to take on the challenges of human life when he/she comes out!

Wow...not much space left! Also, notice where this lady's hands are...on her back...I feel her pain :(
We've really been able to notice Baby moving around by watching my stomach lately; Tyler was so amused with it that he decided to video-tape Baby's movements yesterday. Most of it is pretty boring but we were able to catch some pretty intense leg movements across my was so fun to push it back and watch Baby kick again! Such an interactive, persistent little Baby :) I've also attached pictures from the nursery - I know you've all been waiting!! This is about as "finished" as it's gonna get until Baby is born and we know how to better decorate. But we have some empty picture frames up, just waiting to be filled with adorable pictures of our sweet little child, and all of the basics are there just waiting to be used! I've also put up pictures of the bassinet that was loaned to us by one of my sweet friends here, Deanna. And, funny enough, it matches our bedroom PERFECTLY! Tyler just finished painting our room grey and yellow, like the rest of the looks great! Now all it needs is our little Baby to sleep in it :) Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Pictures of the bassinet - very gender-neutral and also matches our bedroom well :)

Picture of the nursery from the doorway

Picture into the nursery from the hallway

Just inside the doorway...looks so cozy! Can't wait to sit in that chair!

Wall #1 - picture frames, shelving, and furniture with our awesome Noah's Ark snow globe on it! Also, the swing - probably won't stay in here, but no use in cluttering up the living room just yet :)

Wall #2 - changing area: changing table/dresser with picture frames and shelving to look at - planning on putting a family picture of the 3 of us in that big frame in the middle, whenever we get one :)
I realize that it looks a little "bare" still - but we're not really able to decorate with all of the cutesy things just yet - promise it will be cuter once we get all of the finishing touches added :)

We have our 36 week appointment next Friday - this will be the first "cervical" check and also the test for GBS (group beta-strep). GBS is common in about 25% of pregnant women, and it's not too terribly dangerous if they know it's present and are able to treat it with antibiotics immediately before delivery. If they aren't able to catch it, it can be very VERY dangerous (even fatal) to healthy newborns. So, in order to avoid any additional stress at delivery, please pray that my test comes back negative and that we don't have to worry about GBS :) Also, please continue to pray for the health of our baby and myself as we get closer and closer to D-day. Lastly, just be praying for our final preparations to become a family of 3 - still not completely sure what this will look like but we're definitely feeling excited and a little apprehensive about it all :) Thank you all so much for your love, support, and prayers through this whole journey - it has been so wonderful to experience it all with you (as much as we can!)!

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