Thursday, September 13, 2012

32 Weeks

Countdown continues...8 weeks to go! Baby has reached a hefty weight of about 4lbs (same as a sack of red potatoes) and is approximately 17 inches from head to heel. As far as we know, Baby's still on track to gain about 1/2lb per week and double his/her weight in the next 8 weeks - yikes! Not a whole lot is changing with Baby now, just simply growing and adding on the pounds. Still lots and lots of movement going on in there, which is becoming more and more noticeable (and painful!) as those elbows and feet are very quickly running out of room to stretch before they come into contact with my bladder, ribs, or sides :) It's still very exciting to feel Baby move so much (definitely an extremely active baby - what am I in for when he/she comes out?!) and to watch my belly change shape on a regular basis!

Just a little cramped, I'd say :)
As for me, I have to admit - I'm definitely getting tired. Ready for this baby to come out (not that I want a preemie, but I'm ready to have the baby here already)!! All in all, it's going very well and I really don't have much to complain about. Definitely gained more weight than I expected to (duh!), so I've started trying eat more protein-packed, smaller meals (not that I was eating unhealthy before, but trying to slow the weight-gain down just a tad!) and need to get a little better about exercising :)...but who wants to do that when a nap sounds oh so much better?! Sleep has been more challenging in the past few nights as Baby seems to be very VERY (uh-oh) active at night and his/her weight gain (and my increasing belly size) makes it harder and harder to find comfortable positions to sleep in for an extended period of time. I guess God is just getting me ready to wake up several times during the night once Baby gets here :) Have to give Tyler a shout-out again - he's been really great with giving me back massages and reminding me to take it easy or sit down when he knows I've over-worked my back throughout the thankful to have such a wonderful husband! Our birthing classes are almost over - yippee!! - and last night we had the pleasure of watching a video on birth (boy, was that an experience!). Not that any of this is new to me, but it was definitely a good visual reminder of what is to come in the not-so-distant future. And, I realize I probably sound crazy and naiive, seeing the birth didn't scare me - it actually excited me more than anything! I know, I know, it's going to hurt a lot and be a long, enduring process that I will more than likely be miserable at the end of...but I'm so excited! All of that hard work and pain will result in the sweetest little miracle we've been waiting on for so long! Side note - please pray that I maintain my optimism :)

Another side note - we officially bought our plane tickets to come home at Christmas time!! YAY!! And...we're flying into Fort Wayne! Double yay! Our "tour" with Baby begins December 21 and will end December 31; we plan on splitting the stay with Tyler's parents and my mom and Sam (most hospitable housing environment for my allergy-stricken hubby), and are really looking forward to spending 10 days at home with our little one! Definitely want to try and see a lot of people, but we also are very aware that we are not going to be able (nor want to) travelling all over the city/state to show off our little cutie. That being said, we will definitely try to arrange times to get together with people in groups or in individual visits at the places we're staying. We'll keep you posted as the time gets closer :)

Please continue to pray for Baby's growth - that it stays on track and that he/she puts on the appropriate amount of weight when the time comes to grace us with his/her presence. Prayers for my comfort as Baby increases in size are also greatly appreciated :) We think we may have found a decently-priced doula for the birth (requirement for delivering at the Midwifery Center), but we'd love prayers of wisdom as we make our final decision on who that person will be. Lastly, just continued prayers for Tyler and my peace of mind as we get closer and closer to becoming a three-some; our world is going to change more than we ever imagined (and we're so excited!)!

Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers! Have a wonderful rest of the week :)

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