Monday, June 11, 2012

19 Weeks

Woah! This week's update is blowing my mind! So this pretty little tomato here is called an "heirloom" tomato and is the same size/weight (approximately) as Baby - 8.5oz! Even more mind-boggling - I have something the size of a 6in Subway Sub swimming around in my uterus; yep, 6inches! So exciting!! Starting to get a little cramped in there so the uterus is going to start growing again which means 2 things for me: 1)itchy skin and "growing pains" (lovely) and 2) an even larger belly (even more lovely).

Baby's brain is kicking into gear! The sensory areas (sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste) are really starting to develop this week, which means I really need to be talking to Baby more (perhaps only in the comfort and privacy of my own home....). Hair is starting to come in on Baby's head, and a fuzzy layer of hair called lanugo is developing all over Baby's body underneath that cheesy coating, vernix, that I told you about last week (most of this will fall out before Baby makes his/her grand entrance into the world). Both of these things will help protect Baby's skin from the high acidity of the amniotic fluid. Another development that's going on underneath the skin is the development of brown fat - this is the fat that Baby will use to keep him/her nice and toasty warm until their temperature regulation center in the brain is more fully developed, in which case the brown fat will then be used as an energy source. Baby's legs and arms continue to harden and they are now proportionate to the rest of the body. I feel a growth spurt coming on.... (which, hopefully, will mean lots more movement!)

I felt more movement this week! Not a whole lot more, but let's just say that Baby likes the beach as much as his/her parents do! It was really fun to feel Baby moving while looking at the ocean...ah...not to rub it in or anything, for you Indiana people ;) Along with some movement, I've definitely been feeling some growing pains (also referred to as "round ligament" pain - the pains associated with loosening ligaments in the abdomen) this week. My back still continues to cause some pain (again, not helped by the loosening ligaments), but nothing else really to complain about. The nausea is pretty much completely gone (only notice slight discomfort when I need to drink more water) and the heartburn is much more minimal than before (yippee!!). Belly continues to grow with each week, will be taking another "belly shot" next week; can't wait to compare to week 15!
We bought a baby name book on Friday - even though we have our 2 favorite names, we wanted to keep our options open so we found a book we liked and have been browsing through it - so much fun! Also continuing with the home updates - we bought new door handles/deadbolts, a fire extinguisher (yay for fire safety!), and ...drum roll...a new toilet seat!! :) Oh the things we get excited about! Our place is really starting to look good; we'll be posting pictures soon...I promise!!

Please continue to pray for our preparation for Baby's arrival - nursery preparation, childbirth education classes, Midwifery center or normal labor and delivery?, CHILDCARE, finances, etc; pray for strong and healthy growth on Baby's end; and pray for less pain (specifically back pain) for me through these next weeks. Thanks for all of the prayers!!

Next week, June 22nd to be specific, is our next ultrasound - can't wait to see how much our little one has grown since week 13! Also, find out the gender or no? Decisions, decisions....

Until next time, have a wonderful, blesssed week! We love and appreciate you all :)

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