Tuesday, May 1, 2012

13 Weeks

Apparently moving up in the world means you go from a lime to a medium-sized shrimp...who knew? :) In any case, our baby is the size of a medium shrimp this week, measuring about 3 inches long and weighing 1 oz. The head has become slightly more proportional to the body; it now makes up 1/3 of the total body size - must have a pretty big brain ;) He/She also has fingerprints (amazing!) and while all of the organs and circulation system are developed, you can still see them through the skin because it's so transparent. Side note - it's amazing how transparent and fragile the skin is on some of the babies I see at work (22-24 weeks) - you can see all of the veins and it has a sticky texture to it, which tends to tear very easily :( Little random fact that I found out this week (which I think is just so cool!) - if our baby is a girl, she has all of her eggs (around 2 MILLION of them, in fact) as of now! CRAZY! Here's a little picture of what our baby looks like at this stage in life :)

So, what's going on with me this week? First of all - we are OFFICIALLY out of our place on Yarmouth (yes, painted back to ALL WHITE, just like you wanted Jacob...sheesh!) and now have the daunting task of unpacking all of our stuff and getting set up on Colley. Last night we changed out the locks and doorknobs and also mounted our TV (antenna too - yep, no more cable!) - super exciting!! This past weekend we bought a shower curtain and new drapes for our living room/kitchen windows, along with the hardware for them - quite an expensive weekend it turned out to be! Things are slowly getting put together - I'll upload some pictures once we get a little more, ahem, livable.

Back to the pregnancy - did I mention IT'S THE LAST WEEK OF THE FIRST TRIMESTER?! I feel great this week! Ok, maybe not GREAT, but much better than the past 12 :) Still going to the bathroom quite a bit (unfortunately), definitely still have the heartburn (especially after fried foods, soda, and tomato-based or spicy things), and still have some slight nausea when I start to get hungry. All in all, can't complain too much! Slowly but surely getting some energy back, guess that means I'm losing my excuses to avoid the gym and unpacking :) Oh well, that means we're making progress!

Please continue to pray for our growing child - we are so very excited to meet him/her! Pray that he/she would be growing and developing according to plan, nice and strong and healthy :) Also pray that I can keep my emotions in check - this last week has been a little of a downer for me (I think I was just a tad bit over-stressed with all of the moving and painting). Lastly, please pray for our families back home in helping them identify with our child and feeling as much a part of this experience as they can (and maybe also throw in some extra prayers that visiting on both ends would be easily accomplished, especially in this next year or so!).

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers :) We appreciate you all very much!

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