Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome! We're so glad you are a part of this exciting new journey in our lives!
We found out we were expecting back in March and have been DYING to tell everyone! Of course, working where I do, I was hesitant about telling everyone too early as there are so many risks, especially in the first trimester. But here we are, almost out of the first trimester and eager to share this experience with our friends and family :)

Also in exciting news, we bought a house! We have officially moved into our new place, which conveniently has enough space for our new little bundle of joy :)

I'll try to keep you all up to date on how our little one is growing and how we're preparing for its arrival (hopefully in early November), and of course, we welcome all of your suggestions and helpful hints in our first go-round as parents!

Please be praying for our little one, that he/she would grow healthy and strong; also for us as we're preparing for our first child (financially, mentally, physically, etc) - I have a feeling we have no idea what we're really in for!; and also for our friends and family who are so far away who want to, so badly, be a part of this first-hand and are unable to because of the distance.

Here's to many more weeks of posts ahead!

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