Monday, June 25, 2012

21 Weeks

21 weeks - only 19 weeks left! Yay! Baby Sanders has reached the length of a carrot, about 10.5 inches from head to foot and weighs 12 oz - getting much closer to that 1lb mark! As far as updates, not a whole lot are going on with Baby other than continued growth and development. Facial features are all developed, complete with eyebrows and eyelids :) Also, the bone marrow is starting to produce red blood cells (instead of just the liver and spleen), which just indicates further maturing is taking place. Baby's also learning to swallow, which means I may start feeling some little hiccups! And, as ever, still waiting for those karate-chop jabs and movements from Baby; definitely should be feeling them soon and with regular frequency...come on, Baby; Mommy (and Daddy) wants to feel you move! most of you are probably aware...we had the BIG ultrasound last Friday! Unfortunately, Baby was not very cooperative! He/she was much more interested in napping way waaayy down in my uterus, which meant Baby didn't move around much or "perform" very well for it's first video! So, needless to say, Baby didn't reveal himself/herself to us, but the ultrasound tech said she definitely knew what gender it was...tempting!!!!! She has written it down in our file, and we were THIS close to asking but refrained ;) So, as of now, Baby's gender still remains a surprise! Sorry if this disappoints you, we're really excited for the ultra big surprise when Baby's born! Because of Baby's comfy little sleeping position, we really weren't able to get many good pictures of him/her; Baby was curled up in a ball (hey, I sleep that way so I can't get too upset, right?) facing my back, butt down - you have 19 weeks to flip over, Baby, no C-Section please! Thankfully we were able to get such good pictures at our 13 week ultrasound - apparently Baby really wants us to be surprised when he/she comes out, not only with the gender but also with how he/she looks!

Baby is growing well; everything looks great and is proportionate to the gestation, except the arms - apparently we have an ape-child :) The arms are measuring about a week longer, but she said this is normal and he/she will probably grow into them :) The heart has all 4 chambers and it was actively pumping at 170 beats per minute, so that was reassuring. Due date is still looking to be about November 4th!

One thing that was brought up was the fact that Baby is so low in my uterus - they had to do a less comfortable *ahem* ultrasound to make sure the cervix was long enough and not dilating early. Praise God, everything is still looking good. Please PLEASE be praying with us that Baby just was feeling sleepy and happened to settle down there temporarily; we really want Baby to move up and make use of all of the space in my uterus and get away from the cervix (especially before it gets too big to move out of the way!)!!

This is a 21 week, almost 22 week baby delivered in Fl - not sure if it survived, but I have seen a baby this size live to be discharged from the hospital. It's crazy to think our baby looks this much like a baby already! Technically, 24 weeks is the "viable" age, but we have been known to save baby's under that gestation. However, prayers to keep Baby in until he/she is fully developed would be greatly appreciated :)

In other news...our door is finally finished and fully painted! YAY! Also, we've picked out the colors that we will be painting our condo (which includes the nursery!) and will probably start painting soon :) We've picked out our crib but haven't purchased it yet - can't wait to get that sweet room set up, really feeling the urge to "nest"! If you'd like to check out our registry, we're at Target, Babies R Us, and Amazon; if you would like to buy us a "gender specific" gift, we ask that you please buy it from either Target or Babies R Us so we can exchange it if Baby is the other gender :)

Please continue to pray for our sweet developing Baby - he/she has a long way to go still and lots of developing to be done! Also, this Mommy is definitely starting to feel anxious as Baby nears viability and I see so many premature babies at work; I really don't want that to be our Baby :( But I know that God is holding our Child and His timing is perfect; please help me to remember this! Also, Sandy (my step-mom)'s mother, Lee Stiles, is seemingly nearing the end of her fight with cancer. She's been in a lot of pain recently and could really use your prayers for comfort and peace during these last few weeks/months.

As always, we love and appreciate all of you - taking more tummy pictures tonight! Will post soon :) Til next time, have a blessed week!

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